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Tree sap damaging paint work on van

Reported via mobile in the Report a tree problem category anonymously at 09:02, Friday 17 January 2025

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

After reporting the nuisance tree outside my property that is damaging the paintwork on my van and several other safety issues regarding this tree, someone has visited the site and told us that in the new financial year, you propose to fix the crown on the footpath (which was obviously already conveniently due to to start on Monday 20th January anyway) and also that you will cut back the branches that are impeding the adjacent cables.

As this is great news for the general public that walk up and down the footpath on a daily basis and for my neighbours who’s cables are affected by the tree, this doesn’t in any way solve the MAIN issues of my original complaint, being that the sap from the tree is damaging the paintwork on my van! And also the safety issue of the tree blocking the view of mine and my neighbours when pulling on and off our driveways.

I have attached photos of the damage being caused to my vehicle, and these are taken AFTER going through the car wash, so I have had to physically climb on top of my vehicle and scrub it off, but unfortunately it has still left a staining. I will be purchasing a specific sap removing chemical in the hope that this staining will disappear.

I do not want this to ruin my paint work and have to recoup the costs from yourselves, I also don’t want to be having to do this annually. Could I please request that when you cut the branches away from the cables in the new financial year, that at the same time, you also cut all the branches off that overhang my driveway and those that overhang the footpath, as for the sap to not blow on my vehicle whatsoever. I would also request that the tree be removed completely at some stage.

Council ref: ENQ251031362

Asset ID: 16WX

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 09:02, Friday 17 January 2025

  • Thank you for your report. As described previously, Works will be undertaken to this tree in the next financial year. OCC's Tree Service will also be undertaking a whole parish survey of Banbury in the next financial year where subsequent works to what has already been described will be looked into.

    State changed to: Investigation complete

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 10:40, Friday 24 January 2025

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