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Recurring severe flooding blocking access to cars using this road

Reported via mobile in the Flooding on Road category anonymously at 16:25, Monday 6 January 2025

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 37 minutes later

I’m not sure why this keeps happening but this part of the road has deep floods which occur after moderate rainfall. Unfortunately this type of flooding restricts access by car and bike into the main village which cuts off all the residents from the kiln lakes estate. Yesterday I had to do a 10mile detour to avoid the flood in order to get back to my home address. Sadly not only does this affect the road but also spills on to the pedestrian bridge walkway over the railway which is very slippy with thick mud which would be challenging for anybody who might be challenged with Motability issues. Needs looking into as we have an elderly population who I would imagine could feel very cut off from local amenities.

Council ref: ENQ251029980

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 17:03, Monday 6 January 2025

  • The piece of road floods on a regular basis, leaving the residents of Old Kiln Lakes unable to access the village or commuter routes e.g. access to M40 or routes to Oxford and Aylesbury.

    As a member of the emergency services, I worry that if a resident at Old Kiln Lakes was to require an emergency response to an ongoing incident or medical emergency, the relevant services would be delayed in reaching them.

    South Oxfordshire Council should make this a priority road repair to avoid the risk of harm to residents and damage to peoples vehicles. I know I am one of many residents of Chinnor who have reported this matter time and time again.

    State changed to: Open

    Posted anonymously at 17:06, Monday 6 January 2025

  • Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We are already aware of the issue and are actively investigating based on the initial report. For comprehensive information on our approach to highway repairs and risk assessment, please visit the Oxfordshire County Council’s website at residents/ roads-and-transport/ street-maintenance-z/ road-repairs .

    State changed to: Investigation complete

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 11:33, Tuesday 11 February 2025

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