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Road drains blocked

Reported via desktop in the Blocked Drain / Gully category anonymously at 19:26, Wed 27 November 2024

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

I am writing to raise a complaint regarding the flooding that occurred on Sunday, 24th November, which significantly impacted my property and those of my neighbours. Despite our efforts, my garage was flooded with approximately 1.5 inches of water, and the ground floor of my home narrowly avoided being compromised thanks only to the swift action of my neighbours and myself.

The flooding was directly caused by the highway drains being blocked, an issue that arises due to insufficient maintenance and infrequent clearing by the council. The severity of the situation forced us to pump and sweep water away from our properties. Additionally, we had to unblock the drains ourselves, which were heavily silted, clearly indicating that they had not been cleared for an extended period.

This is not an isolated incident; similar flooding occurred roughly six weeks ago and has been a recurring issue during the winter months. The lack of proper maintenance is unacceptable, especially as residents like myself contribute to council tax with the expectation that essential infrastructure, such as road drains, will be adequately maintained to prevent such avoidable damage.

I have attached photographs of the flooding on my street and within my garage for your reference. The financial burden of dealing with the aftermath of these events is unjust and entirely preventable with proactive maintenance.

I urge the council to take immediate action to address this matter. This includes a full review and improvement of the road drain maintenance schedule to prevent further flooding. I would also appreciate clear communication with residents about steps being taken to resolve this ongoing issue.

Council ref: ENQ241025472

Asset ID: 290053671

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 19:26, Wed 27 November 2024

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