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View of oncoming traffic obscured by TREE

Reported via mobile in the Hedges category anonymously at 21:42, Mon 4 November 2024

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

Further to my previous report you have chosen to ignore it as I included the phrase 'long grass' if somebody would go and have a look the view of the road and the oncoming traffic is obscured by a tree I believe a lilac tree it needs cutting down. The tree in question is on the inside of the fence that surrounds Woodford Way car is not going to just die back in the winter... it is a fully fledged tree which obscures the view of oncoming vehicles motorbikes and cyclists on the right from somebody trying to get out of the car park it is very dangerous.

Council ref: ENQ241023167

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 21:42, Mon 4 November 2024

  • This is the tree in question as I see it from my car trying to get out of the car park, as you can see quite clearly I am unable to see traffic coming up from the right hand side. Please will you get it cut down.

    Posted anonymously at 17:00, Tue 5 November 2024

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