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No Prior Warning of Roadworks on a main road

Reported via desktop in the Current Roadworks - live information category by Graeme Rolfe at 12:41, Monday 4 November 2024

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

I ask again, why is it that we do not get any prior warning of roadworks on a major route? If permission is required to put up traffic lights then why do the company doing the works not have to erect advance warning signs? The works did not look as though they were emergency works, so there is no excuse. It looks like the work was being carried out by a company CCCTV. I look forward to a response.

Council ref: ENQ241023100

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 12:41, Monday 4 November 2024

  • A separate occasion where we have roadworks on a main route without prior warning. It is clearly not emergency works, so surely the contractor should be expected to give traffic notice. Is this not the case? In addition to these roadworks there are also works on the alternative route from the south towards Oxford on the B4015 to Chiselhampton and then the B480 towards Cowley. Why would the planners set up roadworks on the two main roads to Oxford?

    Posted by Graeme Rolfe at 10:46, Monday 11 November 2024

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