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Footpath is being encroached upon by hedges, fences etc.

Reported via mobile in the Hedges category anonymously at 13:24, Wednesday 23 October 2024

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later

A considerable length of the hedges and fences (approx 180m) running along the southern boundary is encroaching across the public footpath and some places reducing the original width of the path by 50%. Under s130 of the Highways Act 1980 the Highway Authority (In this case Oxfordshire Highways) has a duty to protect and assert the rights of the public to the use and enjoyment of any highway for which they are the highway authority. The encroachment of the hedges and fences is considered an obstruction to these rights and as such the Highway Authority must take action to remove this obstruction. The path is used regularly, particularly for school drop off and pick up. I would be grateful if you could investigate as a priority and let me know what the council are going to do to resolve this issue and if not, the reasons behind the decision.

Council ref: ENQ241021761

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 13:25, Wednesday 23 October 2024

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