Hedge blocking public footpath.
Reported via mobile in the Hedges category anonymously at 10:06, Thu 10 October 2024
Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later
Many years of growth is blocking pathway. Impossible for people, pushchairs, wheelchairs, invalid scooters etc to pass each other safely. One has to go in the middle of busy road, due to cars parked.
Council ref: ENQ241020197
State changed to: Investigating
Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 10:07, Thu 10 October 2024
This hedge & its obstruction gets worse every month. Something needs to be done by the council enforcing the owners to cut the hedge back to their wall, or organising the cutting back themselves & charging the owners. Either way, this hedge is an obstruction & a danger to pedestrians which must be urgently addressed before someone gets seriously injured whilst diverting onto the busy road.
Posted anonymously at 10:30, Wed 4 December 2024
This hedge is in desperate need of cutting back to the property wall!
Years of requests has fallen on deaf ears & action needs to be taken.
As the house owner refuses to cut the trees back, the council should take action, have them cut right back & bill the owners, before nesting season starts again.
Posted anonymously at 21:39, Wed 18 December 2024
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