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Absolutely disgraceful management of a highway!!!

Reported via iOS in the Roads and Carriageways category anonymously at 22:26, Friday 4 October 2024

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later

This road has been reported for at least 3 years that it needs proper repair, and not just a lame attempt. I and many others have reported this stretch of the last few years, for it to be totally ignored. Last year after several reports you cleared the ditch and rebuilt the verges, which helped hold back rain water, and give it some where to go, and put a couple of bump signs up… BUT the road surface has been full of pot holes and surface failures due to rain water. And this summer you managed to repair 1, yes 1! Pothole. This road is now going to flood and fail even more due to the mismanagement of the issue. This road is not just a track that a couple of vehicles use daily it is a busy single track road that has many cars and tractors using it. I realise there is a slope and rain water from fields goes down hill, but there is surely an easy way to divert that rain water into gully in the verge that keeps it off the road, and run it down the side of the road down to the stream???? Surely a simple solution, this will make scraping up the top surface easy and then a stretch of tarmac from top to bottom will be easy to lay, and due to it being a whole stretch there won’t be any areas that can be breached by rainwater, thus preventing new potholes? There have been cars coming up and down the hill on the wrong side of the carriageway to miss the terrible surface, and causing oncoming vehicles to brake dramatically due to the fact! So this is also a road safety issue!

Council ref: ENQ241019540

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 22:26, Friday 4 October 2024

  • Further photos

    State changed to: Open

    Posted anonymously at 22:27, Friday 4 October 2024

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