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Pedestrian Crossing obstructed

Reported via Android in the Hedges category anonymously at 17:02, Sat 28 September 2024

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later

The Hedge is overgrown and has reduced the width of the Pavement. This has made it difficult for Buggies and Wheelchairs using the Crossing or passing by it. The Hedge is also encroaching on the walkway in the Alleyway, it has blocked the view of Signpost. As can be seen in the pictures this has been ignored for a long time.

Council ref: ENQ241018721

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 17:03, Sat 28 September 2024

  • The pedestrian walkway adjacent to the crossing has nor been illuminated all winter. This is a dark and impeded foot traffic controlled pathway. Lack of illumination creates a safety hazard where if somebody should be attacked during dark hours, or simply fall, they cannot be seen. I have reported this 4 times to our local Parish Council who say they are unable to achieve a solution.

    Posted anonymously at 10:47, Monday

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