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Public Pathway/Cycle Route

Reported via mobile in the Vegetation & maintenance category anonymously at 14:59, Saturday 7 September 2024

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

I often walk along a pathway leading from Mattock Way to the Peachcroft Centre . The overgrowth on the pathways, particularly the area on my attached pictures, is absolutely awful ! There is not enough room for a pedestrian and a cyclist to pass each other there. . A lot of the overgrowth are nettles and brambles, so not really safe for small children to walk. The fences (not adjoining a residential building) are in a dreadful condition . They’re being uprooted by a large tree. The pathways along residential streets are also in a state! What is happening to Abingdon? I have lived here my whole life. I used to be proud to say I lived here, but now it’s just an overgrown mess. The roundabouts are overgrown with weeds and random shrubs grown from setting seeds. They have always been maintained over the years with flowers/shrubs, they’re not now. . Unfortunately now it’s really not a lovely town. Visitors to Abingdon must wonder why it’s so expensive to live here.

Council ref: ENQ241016115

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 15:00, Saturday 7 September 2024

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