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There is a dip in the road at the top of our drive, which means that the water, when it rains comes pouring down as there is nothing to stop it.

Reported via mobile in the Roads and Carriageways category anonymously at 15:51, Thursday 5 September 2024

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later

At the top of our drive on south end – my house is called Rosecroft , there is a dip in the tarmac which means that when it rains heavily, the water comes gushing down our drive. We have two ACCO drains one of the top of the drive, all the going all the way across and one at the bottom of our drive. This also goes across the drive. Despite these two drains the water store comes down and unless I am watchful the water comes into the garage .

I have had the people back who did the tarmac on our drive obviously not going onto the highway and they say that it would be a good idea for the council to come and have a look to see if they can remedy the situation. I’m obviously concerned as I am by myself, and if I am away what might happen if we have a sudden torrential downpour. The issue has been ongoing since we moved into the house two years ago

Council ref: ENQ241015910

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 15:52, Thursday 5 September 2024

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