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Tarmacing of pavement/vegetation/litter

Reported via desktop anonymously at 12:59, Wednesday 28 August 2024

Sent to Oxford City Council and Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

I am trying to avoid having to report this same area 3 times for the different reasons noted.

2) The vegetation has not been cut back here for well over a year if not more as far as I can recall.

3) There is litter embedded everywhere along this stretch, some of which is undoubtedly the same age as the vegetation.

3) i can only attach 3 pictures but you can plainly see that the section of pavement which has recently been resurfaced along the length of the golf course has been simply laid around (and even over in places) this aged rubbish and consequently looks quite disgusting, apart from the fact that it has also been extremely poorly laid and looks as if a 5-yers old has done it.

It also appears not to have been laid evenly, so that even after a brief shower, puddles have started appearing on this new tarmac.

All in all, it demonstrates a total lack of respect for pedestrian users, and I request that this whole length of pavement be cleared of this old greenery and litter and resurfaced.

While writing I would add to this the appalling state of the bus stop here with cowebs which I also recall seeing for many many months, but I am not sure if this is your rsponsibility.

Council ref: ENQ241015252

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 13:00, Wednesday 28 August 2024

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