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Verges need grading to prevent narrowing of the road

Reported via desktop in the Hedges category anonymously at 16:01, Tuesday 27 August 2024

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later

Over the last five years, the road into Swerford from this end of the A361 in particular has got narrow and narrow. This is due to every year more and more mud encroaching on the tarmac area which then becomes embedded in place and grass grows on the top of it this effect narrowing the road. At places like the point marked here the road is now down to single carriageway only, where previously two cars could pass side-by-side.

The council is requested to bring a grader to scrape back this encroachment And allow freedom of passage to cars. It would be sensible to do this from the A360 all the way through down to the village itself.

Council ref: ENQ241015185

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 16:01, Tuesday 27 August 2024

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