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Council owned Alder Tree obscuring Strret Light

Reported via desktop in the Vegetation blocking Street Light category anonymously at 16:16, Monday 19 August 2024

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later

The Street light between numbers 9 and 10 Carey Close OX2 8HX is almost totally obscured by the huge Alder tree (owned by the council) giving a security and safety risk to the western end of Carey Close. One significant burglary has occurred in recent years, there are several single ladies and elderly people living in the Close, and it is important that everyone feels the degree of safety and security that adequate street lighting should give .

Additionally,lower branches of the tree also need to be cut back and the branches on the western side appear to be unbalanced when viewing the tree as a whole . In high winds small branches of are blown down onto the pavement and my fear is that larger branches could follow in the future

Council ref: ENQ241014548

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 16:17, Monday 19 August 2024

  • This problem was reported on 19/8/24. It is now 10/9/24. How long does it take a safety and security problem with a tree investigated by the council?

    Posted anonymously at 11:51, Saturday 7 September 2024

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