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Footpath to alleyway connecting Nuneham Square to Bath Street

Reported via desktop in the Footways and Pavement damage category anonymously at 18:24, Mon 17 June 2024

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later

Uneven footpath creating a trip hazard.

Council ref: ENQ241008143

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 18:24, Mon 17 June 2024

  • Think you are referring to some slight heave of the tarmacked alley surface that is slightly visible towards one end?Could you be more specific please? This I would not regard as a high trip hazard I think its probably caused by adjoining tree roots to the fence/walls & mainly affects the very furtherest margins rather then the main path. The Alley Nuneham to Fitsharris is far worse with big bumps when gone over and raised cracking. Having said that Alleyway maintenance is very important and in the alley in question there is visible tardiness in overhanging tree branches that meet above head height forming a dark canopy that blocks out sunlight encouraging moss. Technically these privately owned branches ought not to be even 1" over hanging the top fence vertical. Any work needing doing on these alleyway paths falls either with The Council or whoever has taken over from the defunct AERE which might be no -body or a private contractor of some sort the one that mows the estates grass.

    Posted anonymously at 16:41, Tue 18 June 2024

  • Having now personally examined the alley the only other feature that you may be talking about are the paving slabs at the Westernmost end where it emerges onto Bath Street? Granted these are a little settled and askew but very minor little more than 1cm at most . Granted they ought to be perfectly smooth and flat but large trees on either side make some settling inevitable.At the other end entrance to Nuneham there are a few minor 'humps'and one or two cracks but they are situated very marginally to the side. All in All its my opinion anyone taking reasonable care ought not to have a 'trip hazard'given the normal run of things. However I would agree that the situation couild be monitored every say 6 months or so?

    Posted anonymously at 16:59, Tue 18 June 2024

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