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Overhanging Vegetation on footpath

Reported via mobile in the Hedges category anonymously at 18:39, Mon 27 May 2024

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later

The overhanging Vegetation is an obstruction to pedestrians and cyclist who use the footpath. The footpath is used regularly by many pedestrians for St Nicholas school and is restricting the walkway. At night time this is restricting the visibility. The footpath runs from Boxhill Walk along the stream through to Clifton Drive. The vegetation is hanging over from the stream side half way down the alleyway.

Council ref: ENQ241005786

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 18:39, Mon 27 May 2024

  • There seems to be so many of these neglected footpaths with over hanging vegetation around Town nowadays. What are the chances of them being properly managed? The land adjoining this particular one is I think part of Boxhill Woods?Hence 'Council'Land. This isnt the only issue in Boxhill Woods.A considerable number of trees are over grown too. As I understand it passers by MAY have 'the right' to remove the said vegetation from the footway (which may possibly be under the remit of Fitsharris Estate & hence whoever is responsible for their grounds)as long as they donate the waste back onto 'Council'Land much as one can cut over hanging neighbours'branches and throw them back.But who has time for all that palava regarding this particular chestnut?

    Posted anonymously at 05:45, Fri 31 May 2024

  • This really is getting quite out of hand - see picture from 1 June

    Posted anonymously at 07:48, Sun 2 June 2024

  • Theyve got the staff and the equipment most probably just seems the will is lacking & one naturally asks why? Far be it from me to espouse crackpot conspiracy theories but you cant help wondering if some sort of policy of 'managed'decline applies in these and so many other instances? Weeds & Overhang are a huge issue currently in the centre of Swindon for example. High Wycombe certain areas of come a close second. Faint paint one the roadlines also succeeds in making a area look neglected and shabby. As regards the gutter weeds close by this place ranged all along the frontage of St Nicholas School-well personally I think that looks dreadful-like its a real down at heel area where no one gives a damn or is too lazy to get up off their backside and take a pride in the community in their street. Sadly I suspect some of the 'ocupation -walking the dog all day 'brigade are rather happy with this state of affairs.

    Posted anonymously at 17:46, Mon 3 June 2024

  • PS:Think You may find that this alleyway is in fact technically 'private property'ie. that of the ex AERE authority belonging to Fitzharris Manor Estate. As such the legal responsibility is in limbo and complicated. The Council Obligation may extend only to The Boxhill Woods other side of the fence part though granted it appears to be from there that the branches are emminating. However it might be up to the 2 different authorities to resolve this between themselves. It may even be questionable whether the general public even have right of way through this quasi private estate land! It has been known for the gardners of the 2 authoriites to cooperate at work when they are out and about mowing but only on an ad hoc casual basis applying common sense but its not written in stone. Good Luck with That!

    Posted anonymously at 07:01, Tue 4 June 2024

  • Thank you for your report and apologies for the delay in a response. Could you please let us know if this is still an issue or if this has now been resolved? If this is still an issue, if possible and safe to do so, could you please provide any new images and detailed location information of the issue so we can get this raised for repair faster. Many thanks and kind regards

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 16:08, Mon 4 November 2024

  • Path is currently passable but as soon as the growth starts in the spring it will become a problem again

    Posted anonymously at 08:25, Fri 8 November 2024

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