Rough 'Agricultural'Mowing being used in place of Grass Clippings Left.
Reported via mobile in the Grass category anonymously at 10:54, Sunday 19 May 2024
Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later
Congratulations on the recent Mowing Blitz arouind Fitsharris Manor Estate,I suppose in this day and age we are lucky to get any grass cut. However by way of feedback would like to raise one point which is that eg on The Manor Rough agricultural tractor silage techniques are being used to mow ie the clippings are left to mulch instead of the more established practice of clippings collection as practised domestically,for pristeen lawns of an amenity or decorative nature eg Abingdon Schools' The Manor as a result looks more like a hayfield than a Manor House Lawn! I get that more expensive mowing equipment and labour might be necessary to do this but its worth the extra effort for a polished result dont you think?
Council ref: ENQ241004752
Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 10:55, Sunday 19 May 2024
You are 100% right, but the council are only concerned with their own agenda and trying to make the county as woke as possible. They don't care about keeping our town looking nice, that much is clear. Time for better councillors.
Posted anonymously at 09:12, Monday 20 May 2024
This is probably not unique to Abingdon.Its pretty self evident. At least its been highlighted now.Next step might be for budding alternative Councillors to ascertain the extent of voter opinion in favour of a change & to campaign specifically as an item on that including ticket in their manifesto promises. There is no guarantee however that simple 'A change'would change this.Whoever are councillors face the same problems of budgetery constraints.I do hope it gets improved as its a quality of life and green spaces topic.
Posted anonymously at 05:57, Wednesday 22 May 2024
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