Overgrown and neglected hedge
Reported via desktop in the Hedges category anonymously at 13:28, Thursday 25 April 2024
Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 7 minutes later
Over the years I have observed the hedge on the other side of Cogges Hill Road being trimmed (usually twice a year). However the hedge on the side of the road indicated has not/never been trimmed. Both hedges are outside the property boundaries and both have pavements. Can you explain why this is not part of your maintenance routine please.
Council ref: ENQ241002294
State changed to: Investigating
Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 13:35, Thursday 25 April 2024
I reported this on 25 April with no response as yet. The hedge is now encroaching on the footpath making it difficult for people to get by.
Posted anonymously at 09:20, Thursday 30 May 2024
Still no response
Posted anonymously at 13:34, Tuesday 25 June 2024
The first photo is Manor Road side of the Cogges Hill Road where the hedge is cut back on a regular basis. The second photo is the Cogges Hill Road side where, as far as I know, has never been trimmed. Both in same road, both have paths, both back onto gardens with a fence garden side. Can you explain why one hedge gets cut back and the other doesn’t?
Posted anonymously at 13:26, Wednesday 26 June 2024
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