2x Bollards knocked out/broken by car
Reported via mobile in the Roads and Carriageways category anonymously at 10:48, Sun 21 April 2024
Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later
Somebody appears to have mounted the curb and driven through two bollards.
One has been completely snapped , while the second is broken but still standing.
Additionally, there appears to be broken glass and plastic from the bollards and the car that hit them across the path and road. I have done my best to sweep this.
Council ref: ENQ241001848
Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 10:48, Sun 21 April 2024
Thank you for your report and apologies for the delay in a response. Could you please let us know if this is still an issue or if this has now been repaired? If this is still an issue, if possible and safe to do so, could you please provide any new images and detailed location information of the issue so we can get this raised for repair faster. Many thanks and kind regards
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 09:53, Fri 5 July 2024
Yes, this is still an issue. A neighbour has attempted a temporary repair of using a piece of wood inside one of the bollards but it regular falls over.
The bollards are on the corner of Church Street and Henley Road in Sandford on Thames. Outside house 22 Henley Rd.
Posted anonymously at 10:35, Sat 20 July 2024
Thank you for raising this concern with us. Apologies for the delay in response. We are arranging for the bollards to be repaired.
State changed to: Investigation complete
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 13:53, Mon 30 December 2024
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.