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Pathway needs to be widened

Reported via desktop in the Suggested improvements category anonymously at 21:37, Monday 1 April 2024

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

This pathway has high usage from bike commuters going in and out of the town centre and many school children /parents walking to Fitzharrys , John Mason ,Dunmore and St Nicolas. the dips in the footpath are filled with mud and slush and it reduces the path width to single file. also the path would definitely benefit being widened. the photo shows that the pathway is not wide enough due to the pedestrians and cyclists going over the grassed area - which is slippery and dangerous after wet weather.

Council ref: 5792628

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  • Thank you for your suggestion, it will be added to a list which are assessed and prioritised by our Safety Team. We will now close this report, but if your suggestion gets selected for action we will let you know.

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 21:37, Monday 1 April 2024

  • We know the 'pathway well'and what you say about the grass verge being utilised for passing pedestrians is correct. However hoping to have expensive tarmac laid down to around 3 times its current width is probably not realistic.There may be reasons why this could not be done such as the slope towards the stream and the water and other Utility boxes adjoining the fence. BTW The fence which is dilapadated in sections on the ground remains unrepaired after reputedly it was torn down in its entirety by 'Anti Social Behaviour'Idjut Chuffs .(We have this on reliable witness by a local dog walker ). This is an example of why the 'Cutteslowe Wall'in Oxford was a much needed physical seperation between private and public amenities across a street in the 1950s.Rather than a path Id be more minded to install a similiar barrier!

    Posted anonymously at 07:31, Tuesday 2 April 2024

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