Pedestrian Crossing Needed
Reported via desktop in the Roads and Carriageways category anonymously at 21:57, Thursday 14 March 2024
Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later
I still firmly believe that a pedestrian crossing is badly needed at this location. Despite the 20mph speed limit that has been implemented in Chipping Norton's town centre, cars zoom along Horsefair (the A44) at intimidating speeds. Trying to cross the road is extremely challenging and I believe a zebra crossing ought to be installed at this section of the road. I know that at least one other town resident has written to the Council requesting a pedestrian crossing, and I have spoken with neighbours who feel the same way.
Please note that there are zebra crossings on ALL three of the other streets surrounding the double roundabout by this location (these are: Banbury Road, Over Norton Road and London Road) but not on Horsefair. I'd argue that Horsefair is actually the one that requires a crossing most, given that it is an extension of the High Street and sees more pedestrians than the other three streets.
If a zebra crossing could be added at Horsefair, it would greatly improve safety for residents of Chipping Norton.
Council ref: ENQ24997129
Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 21:58, Thursday 14 March 2024
Thank you for your report. We have completed our assessment and closed the report. After conducting a thorough site visit, it was determined that installing a zebra crossing is not feasible at this location at this time. The existing carriageway is subject to a 20mph speed limit, and the location already has accessible crossing facilities within the required desire lines.
State changed to: Investigation complete
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 14:54, Wednesday 14 August 2024
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.