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Safety barriers STILL missing: so cyclists & pedestrians at risk

Reported via mobile anonymously at 14:58, Tue 5 March 2024

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council and West Oxfordshire District Council 7 minutes later

Safety barriers failed REPEAT OF PREVIOUS REPORT - AS REQUESTED: "The safety barriers on the east side of the signal-controlled crossing on Witan Way BOTH need replacing urgently (* the broken remains have been removed: the resulting "open-ness" has made the danger WORSE - as regularly seen !). For example this morning 2 cyclists with a child too, tried to beat the changing lights by speeding straight out in to the road: one nearly ran in to the side of a car moving off perfectly correctly, half-fell off but started screaming abuse at the entirely blameless driver. With new inter-lock barriers rebuilt there (and as USED to be there), then such foolish cyclists will have more protection from their own dangerous stupidity. THIS IS THE FOURTH TIME WE HAVE BEEN ASKED TO (RE) MAKE THIS REPORT !

Council ref: ENQ24995596

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 15:05, Tue 5 March 2024

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