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Dangerous cycling conditions due to roadworks

Reported via mobile in the Current Roadworks - live information category by Tom Ibbotson at 09:20, Sat 2 March 2024

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later

I had added this to someone else's report but I am now putting it separately.

Attached picture (from Google maps and not current) shows a dropped kerb where some cyclists are now choosing to move into the roadway before the roadworks.

My original report: The advice to northbound cyclists to cross the road at the (very slow) pedestrian crossing is so impractical that many cyclists are not following it but instead are moving into the roadway. It is legal to cycle through on the road but when I was cycling northbound recently I witnessed a near miss when a rather erratic cyclist chose to move into the road poorly without looking and a car passing at 40 mph had not anticipated their sudden move into the road. As the intention is to make the approach to the roundabout 30, could a temporary 30 limit be brought in for the roadworks area? [To achieve an improvement it would need to be from the P+R to the roadworks.] I am assuming that it was a similar situation that led to at least one of the fatalities in recent years. I.e. the combination of drivers not expecting cyclists to move into their lane + cyclists not being sure when they should change lane + speed difference.

Council ref: ENQ24995002

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 09:21, Sat 2 March 2024

  • Apologies this was not responded too, street work issues are quicker to deal with if you called in. As the road works are gone now we will be closing this report. Thank you for your report.

    State changed to: Investigation complete

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 15:23, Thu 29 August 2024

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.