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Constant water on road - possible pipe leak?

Reported via Android in the Ice/Snow category anonymously at 14:51, Thursday 18 January 2024

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later

There is a lot of surface water on the road along the A361, just opposite the Boxing Hare pub (co-ordinates around 51.97, -1.44 or OX7 4AP). It has been there since before Christmas and due to the freezing temperatures last night, has become an extremely dangerous ice hazard. As a result, there has been an inevitable road collision there this morning (around 07:30am - 18/01/2024) involving what looked like two cars. Hopefully nobody was hurt, as the cars looked like write-offs. I myself was involved in a collision the exact same way (on the same road) this time last year, but in Bloxham. It's concerning that such water leaks on a main road are not promptly being fixed during the winter, leading to such incidents. I appreciate this might be an issue for Thames Water rather than ODC, but I think something needs to be done sooner rather than later because this is very dangerous. It's not like these leaks have just come about, they've been there quite a while. Is there a way I can report these things more "officially", so that they get resolved promptly and thus prevent such (potentially) fatal collisions from happening?

Council ref: ENQ24988578

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 14:51, Thursday 18 January 2024

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