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Flooding - safety concerns

Reported via desktop by Anne Feather at 13:42, Friday 5 January 2024

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council and Vale of White Horse District Council 2 minutes later

Due to the recent rainfall the Kennington Road from the beginning of Kennington Rd beyond the southern by-pass rd to just beyond the sliproad off the by-pass on to Kennington road is flooded. It has risen since last night with traffic driving in the middle of the road, being the shallowest. However, due to the pond at Egrove Park, and the amount of flood water, the edge of the road and the beginning of the pond cannot distinguished. A ven has, in a previous flooding event, ended up in the flooded pond. On the other side of the road, there is a 'double ' pavement, resulting in the pavement being higher but again due to the flood water, this difference is totally covered with traffic being unaware of where the road ends and the edge of the high pavement begins. Please could the Highways department investigate and carry any signage or road closure notices as soon as possible. Many thanks

Council ref: ENQ24986355

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 13:43, Friday 5 January 2024

  • The flooding has receded but now the safety concern is black ice. The parish council received a call from a worried resident yesterday evening as they had witnessed both a car skid and pedestrians slip. There is an ICE warning sign at the top of the slip road and one on Kennington Rd, near the mini roundabout leading up to Upper Road. There needs to be a further ICE warning sign at the start of Kennington Rd, just off Red Bridge. More importantly, is there any chance that a gritter can be arranged to come along and grit both the road and footpath? Many thanks

    Posted by Anne Feather at 09:28, Wednesday 10 January 2024

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