Traffic signs obscuring pedestrians at zebra crossing
Reported via Android in the Road Markings category anonymously at 19:09, Fri 29 December 2023
Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later
There have been several reports of near misses where traffic has nearly knocked down pedestrians on the zebra crossing. It may be due to road signs blocking drivers' view of pedestrians who are waiting to cross. When drivers approach the crossing southbound any pedestrians waiting on the Wessex Way side (left on the picture) are masked by a large hedge, the sign for 'The Crescent', and ironically the sign to warn of a humped crossing. If nothing else perhaps the 'new road layout' sign can be removed.
Council ref: ENQ23985097
Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 19:10, Fri 29 December 2023
The developer is due to be undertaking remedial works in the coming weeks. We will make them aware of this report raised and request that the “new road layout ahead” sign is removed. We will also request for the developer to trim back the vegetation where required, to ensure its not blocking the drivers view to the crossing. Just to also note, there has been 2 independent Road Safety Audits carried out on these Section 278 works. A Stage 1 and 2 audit was carried out at planning/detailed design stage. The comments on the crossing within this report were resolved to the satisfaction of the Road Safety Auditor and overseeing organisation (Oxfordshire County Council) through the detailed design stage. An RSA Stage 3 (post construction) has also been undertaken and no safety concerns were raised in relation to the crossing.
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 13:54, Tue 16 January 2024
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