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40mph sign still not working - this has been reported several times over recent years but the council are still not addressing the issues

Reported via desktop anonymously at 11:47, Fri 8 December 2023

Sent to Cherwell District Council and Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

The 40mph sign used to light up to warn traffic entering the village to slow down. At about the time when works were done at what is now the entrance to the new estate at 'Southfields' the sign stopped working and it has not worked since. Traffic still enters the village at speed but is not warned to slow down even though there is now a new entrance to the new housing estate at about the same location. Please fix it and explain in detail why this is taking so long to be acknowledged by the council as an issue.

Council ref: ENQ23982979

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 11:47, Fri 8 December 2023

  • As The Parish Council are trying to progress with a reduction in the speed limit on B430, the repair of the speed indicator sign would not be required if it was a 30mph speed limit and therefore any fixing is on hold.

    Posted anonymously at 13:07, Thursday 16 May 2024

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