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Three blocked drains

Reported via desktop in the Blocked Drain / Gully category anonymously at 09:25, Mon 27 November 2023

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later

Good morning , I have just reported a burst main at the top of Fleming drive OX77HH, water is now running down the drive entering the driveways of Fleming close, Which is down hill from the burst main. There are three drains two on the same side as two Fleming drive and one next to the conifer hedge on the other side of the drive, all three are blocked.

Council ref: ENQ23981978

Asset ID: 290084449

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 09:26, Mon 27 November 2023

  • By way of including more info for this. Thames Water are in attendance to repair the burst main but all the water from the burst main on Fleming Drive was coming down Fleming Close due to the slope of the ground. None of the 3 possible drains in Fleming Close that the water crossed were working due to being blocked and my house (2 Fleming Close), at the bottom of Fleming Close, was in immediate danger of flooding. If it wasn't for the extreme efforts of me and my neighbours it would have flooded this morning. All 3 drains need clearing as a matter of urgency please. Not only because of this immediate problem but because none of the drains are working due to blockage and none will clear any amount of rainwater. As we move into winter, storms will happen and all the rainwater will again just flood towards my house.

    Posted anonymously at 12:24, Mon 27 November 2023

  • Your concern has been added to the drainage defects list to be investigated. If we can identify a solution the works will be added to our priority listing. Our highest priorities are issues that cause flooding, risk to property and life.

    State changed to: Investigation complete

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 08:45, Fri 8 December 2023

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