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2 things: street light blocked by tree, reflector on bollard is failed

Reported via desktop in the Vegetation blocking Street Light category anonymously at 17:02, Wed 15 November 2023

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later

Hi, I’m the Sustrans ranger for NCN cycle route 51 in the City. At the junction of the cycle way and Charlbury Rd the street light (#6) is obscured by tree branches. They are too high for me to clear. As a result the bollard in the middle of the path is not visible in the dark and is likely to cause a collision as the reflector on the north side is old and no longer does it’s job. I am very concerned about this risk as the cycleway is heavily used after dark each day. The issue has become more apparent following the clock change.

Council ref: ENQ23980947

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 17:02, Wed 15 November 2023

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