The fences built will block the view of the drivers coming out from Elm Pl. It's verg dangerous especially when turning onto A40.
Reported via mobile anonymously at 21:38, Mon 30 October 2023
Sent to Oxfordshire County Council and West Oxfordshire District Council less than a minute later
Not entirely sure why the fences are built as it blocks the view of the driver waiting at the exit of Elm Pl. Without a clear view of what's on A40, it's really dangerous turning onto A40.
Council ref: ENQ23978897
Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 21:38, Mon 30 October 2023
The fence that has been installed is a visibility screen and acts so that traffic travelling along the A40 do not shine headlights onto cars entering/exiting the new site, while performing turning manoeuvres at the end of the newly extended Old Witney Road. This was as a result of the change in levels between the A40 and the new carriageway construction and was seen as a safety concern to be addressed at the design stage. We will note the potential knock-on effect at the adjacent A40 junction with Elm Place and will review on site prior to the sign off of the Section 278 works.
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 16:34, Tue 5 December 2023
I would also like to highlight that I am a resident living on that street with address of Old Witney Road but because of the road block our vehicle cannot access Old Witney Road at all. This results in numerous confusion for post delivery and location searching. Also the sharp turn onto A40 without traffic light and full visibility is extremely dangerous for people working in the technology park and residents living on that street as well as drivers on A40. I hope the council can take full consideration for people's daily usage on this street.
Posted anonymously at 06:55, Wed 6 December 2023
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