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The green grass area at the centre of Nuneham Square is overgrown with weeds.

Reported via iOS in the Grass category anonymously at 19:08, Wed 5 July 2023

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

The grass has all but gone from the square. Weeds have completely taken over and the entire area needs to be treated. The weed infestation is now contaminating all the front lawns of the surrounding houses facing the square, destroying the residential grass as well as the grass in the Square.

Council ref: ENQ23968057

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 19:09, Wed 5 July 2023

  • This beautiful grass square used to be so well maintained in The 1960s.The gardeners and ground maintance grew had premises in the old stable block in Letcombe Avenue & were always busy trimming mowing and working. So sad that it appears to be going to pot. Once grass reaches this stage of deteroration the only option is a complete re sowing with Premium Grass Seed of the entire area,quite an undertaking.

    Posted anonymously at 10:36, Sat 8 July 2023

  • Frankly with the current maintenance arrangments contracted out since the demise of The UKAERA plus apparent legal uncertaintity over responsibilities for maintenance youd be best looking at some sort of ad hoc Residents Go Funding to completely re sow the lawn and assign maintenance(mowing weeding etc) on a rota to Residents them selves as they are the principal beneficeries of a nice square lawn.Since weedkiller was banned some years ago the whole estate also has a guitter weed challenge,this can only really be done by hand by each house as one would clear snow.Nearby Abingdon School has apparently no such challenges very large agricultural sprinklers are often in evidence on all their huge playing fields during hot spells.

    Posted anonymously at 10:42, Sat 8 July 2023

  • State changed to: Investigation complete

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 13:36, Thu 9 November 2023

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