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URGENT DANGEROUS Drain cover is missing, large open hole.

Reported via iOS in the Manhole category anonymously at 02:14, Tue 6 June 2023

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later

The drain cover has once again failed, it has dropped within the drain, leaving a dangerous open sharp square edged hole in the road. The road surface has failed around the metal framework too and has been like this for sometime. This needs to be rectified as soon as possible to prevent any injury or incident caused by this defect. It is on the left hand side as you head towards Thame and currently has a cone stood in it to cover the hole and to try to warn road users of the danger.

Council ref: ENQ23964233

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 02:15, Tue 6 June 2023

  • This report has been closed. However this will be made safe as a priority and work programmed to replace. Regards

    State changed to: Investigation complete

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 08:27, Tue 6 June 2023

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