The Perimiter Wall Dunmore/Northcourt Estate needs raising to 12m with barred gates
Reported via desktop anonymously at 10:19, Sun 4 June 2023
Sent to Oxfordshire County Council and Vale of White Horse District Council less than a minute later
The Long dilapadated (completly crumbled in parts) WALL that divides The Northcourt-Dunmore Estates from Wooton Road needs heighenting to 12 metres tall and staffed iron barred Gates with CCTV installed to control certain elements of said estate. (Anti Social Behaviour). This is not as outlandish as it sounds. The famous OXFORD Cutteslowe Wall in the 1950s existed unashamedly to solve a similiar big problem until it succumbed to Namby Pambyism of the 1960s. The Cuttlesowe Wall was a Berlin/Belfast type wall very high and made of brick that totally seperated the 2 Communities (Private and Council)with no contact between the 2.This was due to the appalling and widespread overspilling Social Nuisance behaviour of Category 2 above). George 4th and many Royals also notoriously erected high walls around their areas to obliviate the hoy poloy.
Council ref: ENQ23964033
Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 10:19, Sun 4 June 2023
This report is not the responsibility of Oxfordshire County Council. This has been sent to VWHDC to investigate this issue.
State changed to: Investigation complete
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 17:03, Tue 6 June 2023
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