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Gypos here AGAIN!

Reported via Android by Simon Delap at 20:12, Sun 28 May 2023

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council and Vale of White Horse District Council less than a minute later

A group of gypsies/travellers have made camp on the field here again. Looks like the lock has been broken and they have selfishly squatted onto public property yet again. Please issue an eviction notice without delay and do more to stop this happening again. The good people of Abingdon should not be subjected to this sort of antisocial behaviour. There are horses and unleashed dogs roaming the area and leaving their mess behind, all on the eve of the half term holidays where children will want to use the park. We cannot normalise or accept this anymore.

Council ref: ENQ23963427

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 20:12, Sun 28 May 2023

  • Ive read reports one of their characteristics is to deliberately leave 'trash'every where? I agree that behaviour is not normal and can be classed as 'Anti Social Behaviour'. This would also apply to certain elements already resident in Abingdon namely chronic litter louts. One wonders if the 2 are linked ie the current litter lout resident elements' perhaps evolved from Gypsy elements who settled in Abingdon? There seems to be a very strong connection.

    Posted anonymously at 08:06, Mon 29 May 2023

  • Shows the gate which has been illegally busted open and animals grazing and defecating.

    Posted by Simon Delap at 12:47, Mon 29 May 2023

  • Agreed its certainly selfish and a bit of a cheek taking over the public park like that. Wonder if theres some historical reason they assume they are entitled?I mean isnt a small fair held on this very spot annually? Certainly the Ock Fairground Heavy Vehicles do seem to have permission to park overnight in the park opposite so I dont know.Ive seen them. To be fair the people themselves dont appear particlarly menacing they just look a bit like any campers.You cant expect the landless to fully respect landholders land rights.To them its just a bit of communal grass.We see this all the time in suburbia-people walking on folks land,parking there,throwing litter there and worse."get awf my land"doesnt seem to have the ring it once had.Surprised they dont choose further up the Hill to Drayton plenty of unused farming land up there.

    Posted anonymously at 17:29, Mon 29 May 2023

  • There is a special arrangement for the fair, this lot are just squatting on public land. Land we pay taxes to maintain and for which they won't pay one penny of rent. The folks involved haven't been aggressive as far as I can see, but their very presence is anti social. Driving vehicles on the park and leaving rubbish, horse crap etc is very antisocial behaviour. If this was a bunch of local teenagers camping out there and being a nuisance they would be moved on without delay but for some reason gypsies get a free pass. They deliberately come on a bank holiday weekend because they know that the authorities won't even bother looking at the issue for several days. They know how to work the system and it's about time we put a stop to it.

    Posted anonymously at 22:34, Mon 29 May 2023

  • Police evicted them yesterday. Better late than never.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted anonymously at 11:38, Sat 3 June 2023

  • This report is not the responsibility of Oxfordshire County Council. This is VWHDC land.

    State changed to: Investigation complete

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 17:20, Tue 6 June 2023

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