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Road subsiding

Reported via desktop in the Roads and Carriageways category by Ros Page at 10:37, Thu 4 May 2023

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later

I reported a leak coming up through the tarmac to Thames Water over a week ago. It has not yet been fixed. The amount of water coming through has increased and now, in the last 24 hours, the road appears to be subsiding with a 5 to 10cm dip in the tarmac. The surrounding tarmac moves just by pressing it with my foot. The road is on a bus route and subject to other heavy traffic. I am concerned that it might give way completely and cause a serious accident. I have reported the leak to Thames Water again this morning.

Council ref: ENQ23960346

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 10:37, Thu 4 May 2023

  • Thank you for your report. I have visited the site you pinpointed on the map, in Townsend, Opposite Latton Close junction, Chilton, see photos.

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 14:19, Thu 28 September 2023

  • Thank you for your report. I have visited the site you pinpointed on the map, in Townsend, Opposite Latton Close junction, Chilton and assessed the issue you have identified. I couldn't find the defect you refer to, at this location, see photos. I am therefore closing this report.

    We will continue to monitor this site during our routine inspections.

    If you notice that the issue gets worse, please open a new report. Find out more about highway repairs and how we assess risk residents/ roads-and-transport/ street-maintenance-z/ road-repairs.

    You can submit a new Fix My Street report, with the map pin positioned at the correct location of the issue, preferably with photos of the defect, and we will investigate again. Many thanks.

    State changed to: Investigation complete

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 14:21, Thu 28 September 2023

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.