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Placement of Orca/wands is a trap

Reported via iOS in the Highway Schemes category by Graham Smith at 18:16, Fri 21 April 2023

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later

Recent changes to benefit people cycling are endangering. I see that this work has has been criticised previously. It appears that the criticism has been brushed-off. A team from Cyclox observed the junction for an hour or so, 20/04/2023. We saw no user attempt to exit from Newman to turn right, who attempted to reach the on-footpath cycle lane which then awkwardly re-enters the road, by way of an uneccessary give way marking. Riders either rode outside the marked-off area, in a space which narrows and puts them into conflict with motor vehicles, or as observed, they make for the 20cm gap between Orca and kerb. The first rider we observed (riding a cargo-delivery bike) made the gap and avoided the wands - by centimetres. We find this installation design to be flawed and endangering for people cycling.

Council ref: ENQ23958791

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 18:17, Fri 21 April 2023

  • The original design for the Rose Hill / Newman Road junction included three wands/orcas with the first wand angled provide protection cyclists joining the highway from the shared use path. These wands would send motorists out of the path of the cycle lane.

    The intention for cyclists turning right from Newman Road was to encourage them to use the refuge which was extended to include cyclists. Cyclists coming from Newman Road turning right onto Rose Hill would temporarily join the shared use path on the inbound side and also join the highway at this protected point or travel along the shared use path parallel to the eastern bypass.

    The Road Safety Audit stages 1 and 2 undertaken at the preliminary and construction design stages respectively did not raise any concerns with this approach. In addition to that the Road Safety Audit stage 3 undertaken after implementation reported in March 2023 also found no issues with this approach.

    However, officers have also undertaken observations at the junction and are now considering a number of minor adjustments.

    State changed to: Investigation complete

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 08:58, Tue 27 June 2023

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