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Soil/Debri and vegetation run off with flood water

Reported via desktop in the Damaged Gully or Catchpit Ironwork category anonymously at 17:56, Mon 17 April 2023

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

Heavy storms that create water run-off from the verges and the upper end of the holloway through the village is prevented from entering the numerous drain openings due to lack of structured gullies that feed the drains. This water is then running in torrents on the adjacent road surface that is pooling and undermining the road surface further into the village from Piemans Cottage to Mory's to the south of the village. A similar problem exists on the road leading into Great Coxwell from Oakfield and its adjoining paddock onto the bends into Cherry Orchard where water is then cascading into the road to the height of the kerb at No1 Cherry Orchard. On the bends at this location there is insufficient infrastructure to drain flood water running from the track known as 'Gipsy lane' running from the Steeds Farm site from North to South into the village. This also causes significant flood water to run across the path adjacent to Oakfield Paddock and the bend situated at Pound Cottage. While these represent two separate areas of the village they are both areas that set out a hazard to traffic and pedestrians when water fails to run from the roads into the gullies and further into the ditches. These issues have arisen over the past two years.

Council ref: ENQ23958041

Asset ID: 290118304

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 17:56, Mon 17 April 2023

  • Thank you for your enquiry. Various drainage works are being programme for the village. You enquiry is very general. It would help us if you raise individual enquires for specific issues that you are concerned about. Photos would help us respond quicker to your enquiry.

    State changed to: Investigation complete

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 12:49, Wed 2 August 2023

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