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Dangerous cycle lane

Reported via Android in the Potholes and maintenance category anonymously at 03:20, Fri 7 April 2023

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

Very dangerous cycle lane missing a high box which has caused two police vehicles to burst four tires

Council ref: ENQ23956340

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 03:20, Fri 7 April 2023

  • This is extremely dangerous for cyclists who are going fast coming down the hill, and who would go head over heels if they hit this unexpected obstruction by mistake. In the mornings this is a very busy cycle path and it's easy not to see it. It's a potential fatality waiting to happen and needs to be fixed as a matter of urgency.

    Posted anonymously at 19:08, Tue 13 June 2023

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