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Rickety bridge with a troll

Reported via iOS in the Bridges category by Duncan Enright at 12:07, Mon 27 March 2023

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

Any progress on fixing this? It’s a key route for North Witney to town centre.

Council ref: ENQ23953857

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 12:07, Mon 27 March 2023

  • We've been urging local councillors SUCH AS YOURSELF to get this (& other problem bridges) for more than two years to get these properly repaired (pic of last year's plea). And now you're having to ask .. ?! Really taxes our belief in competences ... (and priorities as against pouring money in to barely used new cycle routes ... etc etc).

    AND don't forget we also asked for some minor re-engineering on the south side of the nearby roundabout/ junction - so that any surplus storm water from the Hailey road can run directly to the watercourse and NOT simply pond-up on the highway.

    "Here's to the 4th ...

    Posted anonymously at 19:50, Wed 29 March 2023

  • Where I'm pointing, the bridge is now sagging! How long will it take before this gets fixed please? Sure you're on to it, just want to know!!

    Posted anonymously at 07:32, Sun 21 May 2023

  • It's now been three years since a report was raised about this (and OTHER) collapsing bridges around Witney. Why "Certain Councillors" are asking what's going on when they have had actual responsibities & involvement for yonks, we really can't understand ! Let's hope that when "Someone" actually gets on with a proper re-build, it'll be better than that at Langdale Common: inadequate handrails warping & snapping off, cracks re-opening, etc all showing incompetent specification, contracting, supervision and sign-off (for which Someone should have been sacked)

    Posted anonymously at 10:21, Sun 21 May 2023

  • Thank you for your report. This is currently with our contractor

    State changed to: Investigation complete

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 08:22, Mon 21 August 2023

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