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Defective road layout causes danger to cyclists

Reported via desktop in the Suggested improvements category anonymously at 08:37, Thu 26 January 2023

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

The defective layout of the cyclepath at this junction (and the Thame Lane junction further down the same road) leads cyclists into danger. It takes them out of the flow of traffic on this busy A-road, improperly prioritising turning traffic over traffic heading straight on past the junction. It removes cyclists from the line of sight of turning traffic, and prevents line of sight from the cyclist to the turning traffic, whilst also creating an unnecessarily difficult manoeuvre that adds to the danger at the (often busy, in the case of Thame Lane) junction.

Yesterday, in combination with a failure to grit the road and the cyclepath in icy conditions, the tight s-bend led to at least one (and I believe multiple) accidents of cyclists falling into the road, into the path of oncoming traffic, which doesn't have line of sight. I suffered minor personal injuries and property damage as a result.

Please correct the road layout -- that should never have been built this way in the first place -- in light of these accidents. Have the cyclepath extend straight across these junctions, and be given proper priority over turning vehicles through the use of clear road markings such as dashed lines, prominent cycle symbols and a green surface layer.

Council ref: 4171677

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  • Thank you for your suggestion, it will be added to a list which are assessed and prioritised by our Safety Team. We will now close this report, but if your suggestion gets selected for action we will let you know.

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 08:37, Thu 26 January 2023

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