Roadwork way below standard
Reported via desktop in the Current Roadworks - live information category anonymously at 10:31, Tue 3 January 2023
Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later
Contractor supposedly resurfaced this road in November (Colas microsurface). This surface is coming away, less than a month after application. The Contractor should be required to redo these works where this is happening - shoddy work, waste of Council Taxpayers money. Residents were informed drainage gulleys would be covered during the works but restored afterwards. As can be seen, this and most other gulleys are still blocked, causing flooding after heavy rainfall. The Contractor should be required to perform this afterwork - shoddy work, waste of Council Taxpayers money.
Council ref: ENQ23941608
State changed to: Investigating
Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 10:32, Tue 3 January 2023
I have not received an update on this issue, is OCC still investigating? The Contractor provided a survey URL (see photo), but the link does not work.
Posted anonymously at 20:54, Tue 7 February 2023
We are reviewing old information on Fix My Street and we have decided to close your report. If you consider there is still an issue, please create a new report on Fix My Street with any new information. Find out more about highway repairs and how we assess risk at residents/ roads-and-transport/ street-maintenance-z/ road-repairs
State changed to: Investigation complete
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 11:50, Mon 10 July 2023
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.