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Missing ‘no cycling’ sign

Reported via mobile in the Road Markings category anonymously at 16:46, Thu 20 October 2022

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

Please see original report and your reply lower down.

You state there is no prohibition order. why not? Many people have been nearly hit by cyclists as the cyclists enter the passage going towards Green Close. As there currently is no prohibition is cycling allowed? Or is it allowed one way but not the other? I.e When going from Green Close through the passage you are not allowed to cycle as there is a sign, but coming from the other direction towards Green Close you are allowed to cycle as there is no sign. Btw there used to be a sign. The post is still there. Please clarify. And if we are now allowed to cycle both ways remove the sign that is still there.

Sent from my iPhone SE

On 20 Oct 2022, at 14:02, FixMyStreet <> wrote: 

New updates on Missing traffic sign

Thank you for your report and please accept our apologies for the slight delay in response whilst this was looked into in some detail. From research undertaken it appears there is, in fact, not a prohibition order (which gives rise to the cycle symbol in an red circle) so, whilst we note the existing one has been in place for many years, it is not something that we can install new at any other location along the route. We hope this helps

Going from from Mowbray fields towards green close through the alley way there is no ‘ cycling prohibited’ sign. There is one in in the other direction in Green Close. Quite a few times we have nearly been hit by cyclists coming round the bend. Of course they claim they didn’t know you weren’t allowed to cycle as there is no sign. Please reinstate. Better still add barriers like the ones at the Greenclose end.

Council ref: ENQ22935993

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 16:47, Thu 20 October 2022

  • Thank you for raising this concern, sincere apologies for the delay in response. We are investigating the site and will make any corrections and repairs found necessary, however if you believe there is an issue with the prohibition order I would suggest raising it with the parish council to take forwards.

    State changed to: Investigation complete

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 10:05, Mon 11 September 2023

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