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Old Street lighting

Reported via desktop in the Other Lighting Issue category anonymously at 17:35, Mon 18 July 2022

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

I'm trying to find out when our street light will get replaced with the new LED down lights that have been fitted all around the village, we have one of the old range lights that lights up our bedroom and house like a Christmas tree can you let me know when it is likely to get replaced please the street light is on Lea rd outside No 11, we have lived here since 96 and it's always been there but iv'e noticed most have been replaced around the village, it would just be nice not to have it shining on our bedroom

Council ref: 3685541

Asset ID: 005

Unit type: Light

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  • As another long-term Sonning COmmon resident I totally support this very reasonable request:- 1) nobody wants lights of any sort shining into their home. 2) Accurately directed LEDs reduce light pollution and global warming. We value accurate direction of illumination. The limited amount of sideways scatter, and the limited glare from a distance, all help road safety, and pedestrian safety. We would prefer to see the stars, not street-lamp glare. The zero upward wastage is one step toward being able to see the stars properly again. The use of LEDs reduces global warming. Thank you. RG4 9SP

    Posted by Paul W at 11:51, Tue 19 July 2022

  • The LED lanterns have been fitted where possible, the ones left are due to have the column replaced as well, I have put a job on to replace the lantern to LED type

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 15:28, Tue 19 July 2022

  • State changed to: In progress

    Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 10:07, Mon 1 August 2022

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