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Vehicles using footpath

Reported via desktop in the Suggested improvements category anonymously at 16:52, Wed 13 July 2022

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

I use the Winaway to cycle work at the Harwell campus and am encountering, daily, vans using the path, sign posted as no access for motor vehicles, as a short cut to and from the A4185. The more they use it the more brazen they have become, and now act as if they have the right of way, and bully cyclists out of the way.

Council ref: 3673921

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  • Thank you for your suggestion, it will be added to a list which are assessed and prioritised by our Safety Team. We will now close this report, but if your suggestion gets selected for action we will let you know.

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 16:52, Wed 13 July 2022

  • I use the Winnaway bridle way to cycle to work. the last six months I and people using the path have encounted a van using the path as a short cut to reach the road.

    Posted anonymously at 10:21, Wed 3 August 2022

  • Silver transit-style van heading north along the Winnaway at 07:53 this morning

    Posted anonymously at 10:08, Wed 4 January 2023

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