Action scheduled
Potholes middle of the road
Reported via desktop in the Pothole category anonymously at 10:07, Wed 24 November 2021
Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later
A new pothole has appeared in the middle of the road just by the car park entrance
Council ref: ENQ21910724
Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 10:08, Wed 24 November 2021
Thank you for your enquiry. We have investigated your report and it has been actioned to be fixed.
State changed to: Action scheduled
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 08:16, Thu 25 November 2021
The Council were there on Friday 28th January to fix potholes around bridge St, They closed the whole road from 10am -5pm, residents were not informed of this closure, as you can appreciate this a very busy Road running through Bampton.I live on the Clanfield Rd and wanted to attend an art class in Bampton that morning , i had to go via Alvoscot/Carterton to return back into Bampton, that is a huge diversion! The same road was closed again on Sunday 6th February, again ,no warning to residents. I again had to take the long diversion into Witney. I asked the workmen why the road hadn't been fixed on the previous road closure but didn't receive a satisfactory answer. The road again was closed from 10am -5pm. I noticed yesterday driving through Bampton that this part of the road they were working on still has not been repaired properly, even though they had two full days to the frustration of many residents and motorists. I don't understand why they didn't do a contra-flow traffic system and fix one side of the road at a time?
Posted anonymously at 10:16, Tue 8 February 2022
Good afternoon. I have attached a photo taken today at 18.31. The photograph shows a string of potholes that are very much there and getting worse. I can see from this string that they were initially reported in November 2021 and there have been attempts to repair them without success. I would be very grateful if you could respond with details of when they will be fixed. Thank you
Posted anonymously at 19:33, Fri 1 April 2022
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