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Street light not working

Reported via desktop in the Street lighting category anonymously at 15:11, Thu 11 November 2021

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

This street light and two next to it are not working, making the pedestrian route very dark.

Council ref: 3118368

Asset ID: 077135

Column number: 007

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  • SUPPLY FAULT - Passed to District Network Operator (Energy Supplier)

    When our street lighting contractor previously attended site it was confirmed that there was a fault with the electricity supply to that lights rather than within the lights themselves, this fault has been reported to the Local District Network Operator (LDNO) by ourselves.

    In much the same way as a typical household, Oxfordshire County Council is responsible only for the street light, but not for the electrical infrastructure outside of its own asset, the cabling serving street lights is provided and maintained by the LDNO; these are outside of the local authority control and subject to a separate regulatory framework overseen by ofgem.

    Oxfordshire County Council’s contractor is not permitted in any way to interfere with or try to repair electricity supply faults, as they would be in breach of the statutory safety regulations if they tried to do so.

    Once the electricity supply company advises Oxfordshire County Council the fault is rectified we will confirm this within our regular inspection programme to ensure that the light as a whole is in working order.

    State changed to: Action scheduled

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 15:45, Fri 12 November 2021

  • Oxfordshire County Council wishes to apologise for the delay in a response due to the timescale since this was last reported. Please can you confirm if it is still an issue by creating new report on FixMyStreet.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 16:01, Monday 19 February 2024

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.