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Dilapidated culvert and new trees

Reported via desktop anonymously at 14:35, Wed 8 September 2021

Sent to Cherwell District Council and Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

The culvert has been in existence for many years, however it's brickwork is collapsing and as a consequence often blocks the connected drain. Twice in the last two years it has required jetting by OCC to clear it. On each occasion they informed the adjacent residents that the culvert was to be repaired. That work has not been done. As you turn into the lane it forms a substantial hazard at the side of the road, which at night is totally unlit. The immediate land owner has recently planted three trees and a row of hawthorn within 400mm of the side of the culvert.

Not only will those trees / hawthorne cause issues as they grow to anyone leaving the lane onto the B4035 (they are planted in the visibility splay) but it is anticipated that the roots will lead to more damage to the culvert.

Council ref: 2988042

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  • Further image to give scale

    Posted anonymously at 14:38, Wed 8 September 2021

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