Man made island
Reported via desktop in the Roads and Carriageways category anonymously at 18:53, Sun 28 March 2021
Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later
Quite a while ago highways put in a traffic calming narrowing of the road to slow traffic , since then a bus stop has also been put in. i am having problems and a lot nr misses as it appear to be on a curve in the road making it hard to see if any traffic is coming . ref to the bus stop this is causing more problems as if he is early he just waits there making any chance of seeing any vechicals coming impossible just wondering if anything can be done about this to make the road safer, oh i drive a panel van and am higher than a car so i imagine they have less visablity thank you rodney
Council ref: ENQ21891315
Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 18:54, Sun 28 March 2021
Thank you for your report.
There are remedial works being carried out in the vicinity of the island which includes improving the visibility of the island and giveway priority.
These works are due to be completed in the coming weeks.
Posted anonymously at 16:03, Thu 8 April 2021
Dear Mr Clarkson,
Thank you for your report. There are remedial works being carried out in the vicinity of the island, which includes improving the visibility of the island and giveway priority. These works are due to be completed in the coming weeks.
Kind regards
Road Agreements TeamPosted by Oxfordshire County Council at 16:11, Thu 8 April 2021
The problem is still there , all that seems to have been done is a few trees cut back , unfortanet the problem is you cannot see in a straight line if anything is coming. if you have to stop and try to move from a standstill you have to move very fast to avoid anything that comes in your line of sight after you comitte to pull out when you think it is save to do so , it just seems to be in the wrong place and is encouraging drivers to drive faster in stead of the intended reason of slowing traffic down.
Posted anonymously at 18:07, Tue 27 April 2021
Still open, via questionnaire -
Still open, via questionnaire, 19:55, Thu 27 May 2021
Apologies for the delay in response. Due to the length of time since it was reported please can you confirm if it is still an issue by creating another report on Fix My Street.
State changed to: Investigation complete
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 17:49, Tue 31 October 2023
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.