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Building looks very run down and is affecting the look of the streetscape in Summertown

Reported via desktop anonymously at 12:07, Thu 18 February 2021

Sent to Oxford City Council and Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

Building works have stopped and hoarding taken down. The property now stands empty and looks very shabby and tired with the frontage looking very tired and drab. We own the property next door - Gatineau Patisserie and Bakery and since the hoarding has been taken down, this property is letting the look of the street down. Summertown has a lovely streetscape, but this building is letting the entire Summertown Streetscape down. Thank you

Council ref: 2554526

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  • Walking out of LBs, 253 Oxford Road, Summertown, OX2 7HN this morning, my wife slipped and fell on the damaged pavement. See photo. She is shaken, but not badly hurt, just some bruising. Passers by were quick to help, but I think this dip in busy pavement needs fixing urgently. Thank you.

    Posted anonymously at 10:08, Tue 25 May 2021

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