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Question: What is County Council policy on street lights and insects?

Reported via desktop in the Street lighting category by Cllr Eric de la Harpe at 18:21, Tue 16 February 2021

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later

I notice that the street lights in my street are lit throughout the night but OCC website states that you can dim lights in the early hours of the morning or even switch them off. Residents have raised the issue of insects affected by outside lighting and we want to discuss this at out next council meeting. Does OCC have a policy to protect insects? If our Town wishes to take action in this regard, who do we speak to at OCC to get more lights dimmed or switched off? Many thanks Eric

Council ref: 2550623

Asset ID: 003402

Column number: 001

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  • Oxfordshire County Council wishes to apologise for the delay in a response due to the timescale since this was last reported. Please can you confirm if it is still an issue by creating new report on FixMyStreet.

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    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 16:01, Monday 19 February 2024

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